Constitution and Rules
(Rules accepted 1962 and amended to date – May 2024)
1. The Association shall be called the ‘Wiltshire County Badminton Association’ (hereinafter referred to as the Association).
2.1 The Association shall be affiliated to Badminton England and shall abide by its Articles, Bye Laws and Standing Orders.
2.2 The Association shall be an unincorporated body whose aim shall be to promote the game of badminton and to encourage competition and fellowship between all who are prepared to uphold the best traditions of the sport.
2.3 The Association is a non-profit making organisation. All profit and surpluses will be used to maintain or improve the Associations activities. No profit or surplus will be distributed other than to another non-profit making body or to members on winding-up or dissolution of the Association.
3.1 All Clubs of which the object, or one of the objects, is Badminton and having their courts within the county of Wiltshire, shall be eligible for Affiliation, subject to the approval of the Committee.
3.2 All Clubs Affiliated to the Association (hereinafter referred to as Affiliated Clubs) shall ipso factor be affiliated to the Badminton England and shall conform to its Rules and Regulations.
4. The Annual Subscription for the Affiliated Clubs shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting. It shall include the Affiliation fee levied by Badminton England, and shall be due on the 1st November. Any Club failing to pay the Affiliation fee by the 31st December shall be deemed to be no longer affiliated until such fees are paid.
5.1 An Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than May of each year.
5.2 Twenty one days written notice of the AGM shall be given to all Clubs, such notice to state that matters to be included on the Agenda shall be notified to the Hon Secretary not less than fourteen days before the meeting. A copy of the Agenda shall be sent to all Affiliated Club Secretaries at least seven days before the meeting. Matters not included on the Agenda cannot be voted upon at the AGM.
5.3 All members of affiliated clubs may attend and speak along with those who wish to join via video conference, known as virtual attendees, at the AGM. Voting shall be by one member of each club represented at the meeting, the representative wishing to vote will be named by the Hon Secretary before the commencement of any vote.
5.4 20% of Affiliated Senior Clubs shall form a quorum at a General Meeting and a casting vote may be given by the Chairman.
5.5 A Special General Meeting may be called at anytime by ten Affiliated clubs. The purpose of this meeting must be specified and no other business, other than that specified, may be transacted thereat. At least fourteen days notice of such a meeting must be given to all Clubs.
6.1 The Management of the Association shall be vested in a Committee consisting of the Officers and three elected members from each of the Affiliated District/League Associations. This Committee may, at its discretion, appoint not more than three additional members having special qualifications.
6.2 The Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Coaching Secretary, Registration Secretary, County Captain, Welfare Officer, Social Media Officer, Masters Coordinator and Junior Co-ordinator. One person may fulfil more than one Office. They shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, shall hold office for one year and shall be eligible for re-election. Nominations for Officers must be given to the Hon Secretary in writing at least fourteen days prior to the AGM.
6.3 The Committee members, other than the Officers, shall be appointed by the Affiliated Clubs in each District League/Association and notified to the Hon. Secretary prior to the AGM. In default, the Committee may appoint.
6.4 The Committee shall meet at least once a year. The Hon. Secretary may call a meeting at any time or if requested by three members of the Committee. All Committee meetings shall be properly convened and seven members shall constitute a quorum.
6.5 The Committee may appoint sub- committees as found necessary.
6.6 An ad hoc Handicapping Committee for each Tournament shall be appointed by the Committee.
7. The Honorary Treasurer shall produce an Audited Statement of Accounts for the year ending the 31st March of each year, to be approved by the Annual General Meeting.
8.1 The Selection Committee shall be responsible for the selection of County Senior Teams. The Selection Committee shall consist of the County Captain as lead selector and the Senior Team Captains who shall be appointed by the main Committee.
The main Committee can also nominate another selector if any District Association is without a representative. Members shall hold Office for one year and shall be eligible for reappointment.
8.2 Clubs may nominate players for the attention of the Selection Committee for consideration for County Teams. The Selection Committee reserve the right to invite to any trials or practises only those players who, by their ability and age, have a realistic chance of being selected for any of the teams.
9. The Association has adopted the Badminton England Child Protection Policy, copies of which can be obtained on the Badminton England website.
10. The Association has adopted the Badminton England Disciplinary Rules, copies of which can be obtained on the Badminton England website.
11. The Association has adopted the Badminton England League Association Equal Opportunities Policy, copies of which can be obtained on the Badminton England website.
12.1 The Rules of the Association may be altered at a General Meeting on ordinary notice being given. Unless proposed by the Committee, the alteration shall be considered by the Committee prior to submission to the General Meeting. The Hon. Secretary to include brief details of any proposed alteration on the notice of the Agenda.
12.2 Any Alterations of the Rules shall require a two-thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote.